[meta content='0;url=http://www.mediapluss.com' http-equiv='refresh'/> 2010-04-18 ~ Hacking & Computer Tips

How Increase Traffic?

1-Submit Your website or blog to search engines. If you can not submit your site to all search engines,

2-Submit Your website or blog to web directories. There are so many free and paid web directories. One of the top free web directory is Directiories where you can submit your site free.

3-Introduce your website to community forums and enter your site in the signature place.

4-Exchange Links with high traffic and page rank sites. Almost sites require reciprocal links. Place their link on your sites and putyour site or blog to their sites. To exchange link with us, Click here.

5-Create site map of your website to submit it to search engines. When you submit your website to search engines. The search engines index only your site home page, To index all the pages of your website you must submit your website site map in search engines.

6-Update your website regularly and place best keywords to get more earning from Google Adsense.You can also search for highest paying keywords relating to your website keywords.

7-Submit your website to article listening sites. Create Article and place your website in the article.

8-Post comments on the sites that offer comments and enter your website link in your comments.

9-Make back links as you can make. More the back links you have, Higher the page rank of your website.

10-Do not remove reciprocal link after the approval of your link on other site. When they do not found reciprocal link on your site, they will remove your link from their site and you will lose links.

How to increase income from Google Adsense?

Did you know that the standard Google AdSense advert is not the best and most effective one?

If you've been using Google AdSense already, you'll know that there are different advert formats that you can try on your website.

The most important thing that you can do to improve your Google AdSense income is to increase the click-through rate or CTR For example,

*1000 pages visits, with a 1% CTR, is 10 clicks

*1000 page visits, with a 10% CTR, is 100 clicks

Which would you rather have? Google AdSense does not allow detailed discussions of actual CTR's but implementing the following hints and tips improved my AdSense income, literally overnight. If you are using the Leaderboard, Banner or Skyscraper adverts, then you are not using the most effective advert, in terms of CTR. By using the 336 x 280 Large Rectangle and 250 x 250 Square, you will instantly improve your CTR. Changing the colours of the text and background of your Google AdSense advert can also improve CTR.

You can do this by visiting colour palettes on the "AdSense for Content" page. The standard colour for the Linked Title is a royal blue and the advertiser-url is a green. By changing the Linked Title to a dark blue and the Advertiser URL to a light grey, you will also improve your CTR and hence your income. If your page background is coloured, then changing the background colour of your advert to match, making the advert blend in on the page, once again improves your CTR. Do experiment with what works for you site - for some sites, the right color could be yellow, purple or pink - find out what works for you and use it! For further hints and tips on improving yourGoogle AdSense income, visit Google AdSense Secret

10 Big mistakes

Before creating an adsense account realize this thing in your mind that you never ever this guys or make fraud with Google and please try to avoid the below describe 10 Major mistakes.

1. Don't click on your own ads. Because 70% of the peoples has been banned due to clicking on their own ads. In Google's terminology it is said "Invalid Clicks".
2. Also make sure that you are not in the black list before creating new adsense account. It will make you more difficult to survive in Google's world and your account 100% sure will banned.
3. One account is enough for many websites suppose you have two hundred websites then one account will meet the requirement as like single account. Google has given the permission to put your ads on any website.
4. Don't use the forcing words that make the people to click on them.
For example:

Click Here
Useful links
Click and Win

But you use following words that are more suitable.

Sponsored By

5. Make sure that your website should support Google recommended language. (Note: Google Does Not Support Urdu language.)
6. Don't Pass your adsense JavaScript code to anyone via E-mail Because Google have a deep eye on Emails.
7. Don't display adsense on a Popup window because Google strictly prohibit this thing.
8. Don't put your ads on a webpage that has no content or there is no data or information.
9. Don't display your ads on a page where you are getting information from user like:
Application Form
Registration Form
Login Page etc.
10. Avoid using any tool that clicks automatically on your ads. Google Has a bull hawk eye on these tools.
For example:

Auto Clicker
Click Sensor

How to get money from Adsense

While we can't guarantee results, of course, since a lot of your success lies in your own hands, we wouldn't have written this article if we didn't believe in the power of Google AdSense. A lot of webmasters are making a lot of money off of AdSense, and there's no reason you shouldn't be one of them.
The amount of money you can make with Google AdSense mainly depends on what user needs your Website fills. For instance, a site about women's issues can make some serious bucks on AdSense because of the high level of competition for related keywords.
The CPC (cost per click) is the amount you get paid every time a user clicks on one of those ad banners. CPC rates for competitive keywords can be more than $1, which translates directly to your site's earning potential within the program.
However, if you're in a less competitive market, you'll make less money-that's just a fact of life. Still, it's unusual to see anyone using Google AdSense report earnings of less than an effective $1 CPM (cost per 1000 impressions), and the average runs in the range of $4-$5 CPM. Some people are making an effective CPM of $15 or more with AdSense. Oh, and best yet, this is all after Google takes its commission.
About that commission…commission is definitely one thing is that's a little bit ambiguous with AdSense. Google doesn't publicize it's "cut", and only displays the publisher's cut in proprietary member reports, so getting good, accurate information on this has been difficult.
To date, comparisons of AdWords rates with AdSense earnings add up to commissions of between 40% and 60%. People speculate all the time on user boards as to why Google refuses to publish its commission rates, but no one has the answer. It might have something to do with legal reasons or it could just be that Google wants to retain the ability to change rates without having to send out an announcement about it each time, which costs money.

How Ads Looks Like?

You have to know one thing about ads that how they look like? And How to Format them that you use in your websites in future?
Google provide different types of ads the list of some popular ads are listed below.

Adsense for Content
Adsense for Search
ADsense for Mobile Content
Adsense for Feeds

90% of the advertisers use fist two type of ads which are listed above because they are very useful to maximize profit.

Adsense for Content:

Adsense for content has further five type of ads:

Text Ad
Image Ad
Link Unit
Video Ads
Gadget Ads

How the above ads look like? See in the this below link


How to Get Adsense Membership

It's at ease to grow on track with AdSense and it no more than takes a small amount of minutes. You fill out one single online application and that's it. Once you're accepted, it takes no more than minutes to harden up AdSense; all you tolerate to figure out is cop and paste a designated block of HTML into the source code on behalf of your site. Once you figure out so as to, under targeted ads will start viewing up on your website.
To fill out the online application, go to:


How to apply for Google Adsense?

To get an adsense account it is very easy and you can apply for this service without any hesitation. The instructions are very simple. Just follow the following instructions that you can easily create anadsense account.
1. First of all open your Internet Browser (IE or Firefox. etc) and type the following URL in
Address bar


2. Now you can see a website will open that is necessary to create your account on right side you will see a BLUE button which display a message on it called "Signup Now" Just click on it.

3. An application form will open that is requiring your full information to create adsense add count you should put the right information about you in this form. At last you see an agreement please also read it.

4. After writing full information click on the "Submit Info" then your form will submit.

5. At last Google shall verify your website if your website meet the requirements of Google then it will be very grateful for you. Then Google send you an E-mail regardingAdsense Account information and you will be able to handle your account.

How to Install WordPress on Your Local Machine

Update 7/23/2008: WordPress 2.6 now allows you to preview your theme before going live, but I still recommend following these instructions and installing it on your PC to create the ultimate testing environment.


You may have noticed I changed my blog’s design.

I’ve wanted to do this for a while, but I kept putting it off because I knew I needed the time to customize the design, images, add my logo, etc.

If you’re starting a blog for the first time, then there’s no need for a WordPress testing environment. You can test everything live because no one knows your blog address yet.

But what if you already have a WordPress blog and you’re ready to switch to another design? You find a template that you like but notice some things you want to change (logos, other images, layout etc.)

Sure WordPress makes it super easy to switch template themes, but almost everyone wants to customize them in some way. And it’s better to do those things offline in case you mess something up.

No sense in letting your visitors see the new logo you uploaded that pushed your layout out of alignment. ;)

So I did some searching around and found out how to install WordPress on my PC. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it’d be and only took a few minutes to setup.

It’s real convenient to have WordPress on your machine because you can test things out before launch. This is also handy if you’re making big changes to your blog or installing a plug-in for the first time.

Installing WordPress on Windows

1. First download the .exe version of XAMPP.

2. Place the .exe file in a folder of your choice (I put mine in C:\).

3. Double click the .exe file you just downloaded. A box will pop up asking you where you want to install it. Type C:\ (If it’s not already populated) and hit Extract.

4. Navigate to the install folder (C:\) and double click the file named xampp-control.exe.

5. Start the MySQL and Apache servers in the control panel window (See below.)

6. Now you should be able to go to http://localhost/ in your web browser.

7. Click the phpMyAdmin link in the left-hand column.

8. In the Create New Database box enter the words wordpress

9. In the MySQL Connection Collation box below select utf8_unicode_ci

10. Click Create and your database is all setup.

11. If you haven’t downloaded WordPress, please do so.

12. Unzip the folder and install it into the htdocs folder of your new directory. If you installed Xampp on your c drive then you would place the unzipped WordPress folder in c:\xampplite\htdocs

13. Inside the htdocs folder, open the file named wp-config-sample.php in Notepad or an ASCII editor (Not Microsoft Word!).

14. Look for the code below. Change the values so your code matches what is below. Don’t copy and paste. Just enter the values because your file may have more data. You don’t want to accidentally overwrite anything.

define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress‘); // The name of the database
define(’DB_USER’, ‘root’); // Your MySQL username
define(’DB_PASSWORD’, ”); // …and password (Leave empty!)

The only thing you should need to change is the word wordpress for the database name. There may be a few extra lines in your file. You shouldn’t need to bother with this data.

15. Rename the file to wp-config.php and save it.

Note: If you’re using Notepad be sure to change the drop-down to “All Files” in the “Save As” menu or it will save it as wp-config.php.txt.

16. Point your browser to…

http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php to install WordPress on your PC.

17. To view your blog’s local homepage simply go to…


18. Now go and find a new WordPress theme and test away. Congratulations! You now have a local WordPress platform to test new themes and layouts on your WordPress blog.

Alternate Way To Check Yahoo Mail

Alternate way to check yahoo mail through mail2web.com

Mail2web is a free, secure and anonymous web based service which lets you to pick up your email from any computer, anywhere in the world. No registration required and it’s FREE!
Go to http://mail2web.com/webmail/ and login with your email address and password.

You can also use mailweb.com to pick up e-mails from other email providers likegmail, hotmail….

Alternate way to check yahoo through backdoors

You can simply access yahoo through e-mail backdoors which let you work with some basic mail functions.

Useful Gmail Hacks

1) Multiple Gmail accounts

Most of us own more than one gmail account , one of the most annoying aspects of dealing with it is the fact that you cannot have more than one opened at the same time. Luckily, Firefox has a plugin, calledGmail manager , it is an add-on for firefox that allows you to manage multiple Gmail accounts
Just download plugin from this site and install.

2) Mail Fetcher

Mail Fetcher is very useful google feature , which can heck up to five other email accounts and download all that mail into your Gmail. Setting up Mail Fetcher is easy, just follow these steps:

-Click Settings at the top of any Gmail page, and open the Accounts tab.Click on the “Add another mail account link.”

-Enter the email address of the account to get mail from and click on the Next Step button.

-Set details for your new email account such as your password, POP server, port and label incoming messages

After this you’ll be able to retrieve mail from this account.

3) Bookmark any label, folder or message type

In this simple tip will see how to create one-click access to all your Gmail labels, Inbox, Sent Mail, Drafts…
Go to Labs category and enable Quick Links. Click on Save Change

Select desired label, search or message and click Add Quick Link in the Quick Links box.

Type a recognizable name for the bookmark and click OK

4) Quick gmail hacks
-press “m” key to mute a conversation
-label:unread label:inbox show only unread message
-drop attachments directly into the attachment box with dragdropupload 1.6.8, firefox extension
-Ctrl+s save the current email as a draft
-Speed up gmail , just press F8 (turn off message pane)

Get Location Of Anyone On Internet

Let’s say you want to hack your friend’s computer. Well the first and the essential thing to do (of course if you’re hacking over the Internet) is to find out his IP address. There are several methods of doing it but here’s an easy one. The only thing you have to do is to actually make your friend click a link you send him. When that person clicks the link, you will receive information likeIP Address, Country, Host name, Operating System /Browser Details and region name . Just follow instructions below:

Go to this link , here you have to type in your email address. Afterwards you’ll get a unique link that looks kinda like this one here http://acmepeers.com/?u=vyg. When someones clicks that link you will receive tracing reports to your email .

It looks like this .

Find Ip Address
This method will not work if the person whose information you want to get is using a proxy server.
Then you will get false information.

How do I change my IP address?

Every time we connect to the internet we get a certain IP address provided to us by our ISP(Internet Service Provider). This IP stays the same until we disconnect from the internet. So if you want to change your IP just disconnect and connect again.

But the problems starts if you have a Cable/DSL router. Some ISP-s set those routers in a so called routing mode, so that the IP cannot be changed manually by user, but rather by the ISP himself after 24 hours. There are two way of changing your IP address when your router is in a routing mode. The first way is just to go to your router, plug it out and after a few seconds, plug it back in. But what if we don’t want to get up from our chairs and go to the router every time we want to change our IP and we all want to do it with a command from our pc? The procedure goes like this;

Open START>RUN and type in cmd;

In the command prompt type in ipconfig, push enter and a list of ip-s will be visible…

In this list above the adapter is Local Area Connection. That is because the router is not wireless. If you use a wireless router, your adapter will be a Wireless. So, in this picture there are three IP addresses. The one we need is the default gateway. The default gateway is actually the IP of our router. We’ll just copy that IP and paste it into the address bar of your web browser(IE, Firefox etc…).

Now we are actually trying to enter the router. There will be a welcome screen with a username and a password for entering the router. It is usually admin or user for the username and 0000 for the password but if that does not work, just google your router brand and you’ll easily find it(or contact your ISP for it). When you click OK, you are in the router. Here you can do all kinds of stuff, depending on which router you have. But the thing we need to find is the connect/disconnect button. It is probably under Status or a tab similar to that(it is different with every router). You just click the button and the router will do the thing he does every 24 hours. Now, just connect back and that’s it, you have a new IP address.

Mobile Phone Hacking

Hello friends, in this article I will show you how to hack mobile phone with simple software called Super Bluetooth Hack v. 1.08 . Once connected to a another phone via bluetooth you can do the following:
1) Call from his phone. It includes all call functions like hold etc.
2) Read his messages
3) Read his contacts
4) Change profile
5) Play his ringtone even if phone is on silent
6) Play his songs(in his phone)
7) Restart the phone
8) Switch off the phone
9) Restore factory settings
10) Change ringing volume

Follow the steps:

1) Download the Super Bluetooth Hack V1.07.
2) Unzip the file and send it to your mobile phone.
3) Install the software in your mobile phone.
4) Inquire new devices through the software.
5) When connecting devices use a code 0000

Hack Nokia N95 Mobiles - Free Calls - Click here for more amazing videos

SbthClick here for more home videos

Expandable Posts or Read More Hack

Here is classic way of expanding posts which takes the reader to the post page upon clicking “Read more” link.

1) Login to blogger dashboard and go to Layout->Edit Html

2) Find and add this code before it

<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType != “item”‘>
<script type=”text/javascript”>

var fade = false;
function showFull(id) {
var post = document.getElementById(id);
var spans = post.getElementsByTagName(’span’);
for (var i = 0; i &lt; spans.length; i++) {
if (spans[i].id == “fullpost”) {
if (fade) {
spans[i].style.background = peekaboo_bgcolor;
} else spans[i].style.display = ‘inline’;
if (spans[i].id == “showlink”)
spans[i].style.display = ‘none’;
if (spans[i].id == “hidelink”)
spans[i].style.display = ‘inline’;

function hideFull(id) {
var post = document.getElementById(id);
var spans = post.getElementsByTagName(’span’);
for (var i = 0; i &lt; spans.length; i++) {
if (spans[i].id == “fullpost”) {
if (fade) {
spans[i].style.background = peekaboo_bgcolor;
} else spans[i].style.display = ‘none’;
if (spans[i].id == “showlink”)
spans[i].style.display = ‘inline’;
if (spans[i].id == “hidelink”)
spans[i].style.display = ‘none’;

function checkFull(id) {
var post = document.getElementById(id);
var spans = post.getElementsByTagName(’span’);
var found = 0;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; spans.length; i++) {
if (spans[i].id == “fullpost”) {
spans[i].style.display = ‘none’;
found = 1;
if ((spans[i].id == “showlink”) &amp;&amp; (found == 0))
spans[i].style.display = ‘none’;


4)Go to Settings->Formatting-> Post Template

In Post Template copy/paste these lines and save settings

5)If you create new post you will see area where you should type summary and where to type rest of post

Remove NavBar in Blogger

If you one of these who hate blogger navbar , you came to the right place , here I will show you how to remove it.

1) Login to blogger dashboard and go to Layout->Edit Html

2)Add the following CSS anywhere in your template between the

How to Create a Computer Virus?

This program is an example of how to create a virus in c.This program demonstrates a simple virus program which upon execution (Running) creates a copy of itself in the other file.Thus it destroys other files by infecting them. But the virus infected file is also capable of spreading the infection to another file and so on.Here’s the source code of the virus program.


BORLAND TC++ 3.0 (16-BIT):

1. Load the program in the compiler, press Alt-F9 to compile


3. Note down the size of generated EXE file in bytes (SEE EXE FILE PROPERTIES FOR IT’S SIZE)

4. Change the value of X in the source code with the noted down size (IN THE ABOVE SOURCE CODE x= 89088; CHANGE IT)

5. Once again follow the STEP 1 & STEP 2.Now the generated EXE File is ready to infect

BORLAND C++ 5.5 (32-BIT) :

1. Compile once,note down the generated EXE file length in bytes

2. Change the value of X in source code to this length in bytes

3. Recompile it.The new EXE file is ready to infect


1. Open new empty folder


3. Run the virus EXE file there you will see all the files in the current directory get infected.

4.All the infected files will be ready to reinfect

That’s it


A Virus Program to Block Websites

Most of us are familiar with the virus that used to block Orkut and Youtube site. If you are curious about creating such a virus on your own, here is how it can be done. As usual I’ll use my favorite programming language ‘C’ to create this website blocking virus. I will give a brief introduction about this virus before I jump into the technical jargon.

This virus has been exclusively created in ‘C’. So, anyone with a basic knowledge of C will be able to understand the working of the virus. This virus need’s to be clicked only once by the victim. Once it is clicked, it’ll block a list of websites that has been specified in the source code. The victim will never be able to surf those websites unless he re-install’s the operating system. This blocking is not just confined to IE or Firefox. So once blocked, the site will not appear in any of the browser program.

NOTE: You can also block a website manually. But, here I have created a virus that automates all the steps involved in blocking. The manual blocking process is described in the post How to Block a Website ?

Here is the sourcecode of the virus.


char site_list[6][30]={
char ip[12]=”″;
FILE *target;

int find_root(void);
void block_site(void);

int find_root()
int done;
struct ffblk ffblk;//File block structure

/*to determine the root drive*/
/*to open the file*/
return 1;

/*to determine the root drive*/
/*to open the file*/
return 1;

/*to determine the root drive*/
/*to open the file*/
return 1;

/*to determine the root drive*/
/*to open the file*/
return 1;

else return 0;

void block_site()
int i;
fseek(target,0,SEEK_END); /*to move to the end of the file*/


void main()
int success=0;

How to Compile ?

For step-by-step compilation guide, refer my post How to compile C Programs.


1. To test, run the compiled module. It will block the sites that is listed in the source code.

2. Once you run the file block_Site.exe, restart your browser program. Then, type the URL of the blocked site and you’ll see the browser showing error “Page cannot displayed“.

3. To remove the virus type the following the Run.

4. There, open the file named “hosts” using the notepad.At the bottom of the opened file you’ll see something like this—————————google.com

5. Delete all such entries which contain the names of blocked sites.

How to Make a Trojan Horse

How to Make a Trojan

Most of you may be curious to know about how to make a Trojan or Virus on your own. Here is an answer for your curiosity. In this post I’ll show you how to make a simple Trojan on your own using C programming language. This Trojan when executed will eat up the hard disk space on the root drive (The drive on which Windows is installed, usually C: Drive) of the computer on which it is run. Also this Trojan works pretty quickly and is capable of eating up approximately 1 GB of hard disk space for every minute it is run. So, I’ll call this as Space Eater Trojan. Since this Trojan is written using a high level programming language it is often undetected by antivirus. The source code for this Trojan is available for download at the end of this post. Let’s see how this Trojan works…

Before I move to explain the features of this Trojan you need to know what exactly is a Trojan horse and how it works. As most of us think a Trojan or a Trojan horse is not a virus. In simple words a Trojan horse is a program that appears to perform a desirable function but in fact performs undisclosed malicious functions that allow unauthorized access to the host machine or create a damage to the computer.

Now lets move to the working of our Trojan

The Trojan horse which I have made appears itself as an antivirus program that scans the computer and removes the threats. But in reality it does nothing but occupy the hard disk space on the root drive by just filling it up with a huge junk file. The rate at which it fills up the hard disk space it too high. As a result the the disk gets filled up to 100% with in minutes of running this Trojan. Once the disk space is full, the Trojan reports that the scan is complete. The victim will not be able to clean up the hard disk space using any cleanup program. This is because the Trojan intelligently creates a huge file in the WindowsSystem32 folder with the .dll extension. Since the junk file has the .dll extention it is often ignored by disk cleanup softwares. So for the victim, there is now way to recover the hard disk space unless reformatting his drive.

The algorithm of the Trojan is as follows

1. Search for the root drive

2. Navigate to WindowsSystem32 on the root drive

3. Create the file named “spceshot.dll

4. Start dumping the junk data onto the above file and keep increasing it’s size until the drive is full

5. Once the drive is full, stop the process.

You can download the Trojan source code HERE. Please note that I have not included the executabe for security reasons. You need to compile it to obtain the executable.

How to compile, test and remove the damage?


For step-by-step compilation guide, refer my post How to compile C Programs.


To test the Trojan, just run the SpaceEater.exe file on your computer. It’ll generate a warning message at the beginning. Once you accept it, the Trojan runs and eats up hard disk space.

NOTE: To remove the warning message you’ve to edit the source code and then re-compile it.

How to remove the Damage and free up the space?

To remove the damage and free up the space, just type the following in the “run” dialog box.


Now search for the file “spceshot.dll“. Just delete it and you’re done. No need to re-format the hard disk.

NOTE: You can also change the ICON of the virus to make it look like a legitimate program. This method is described in the post: How to Change the ICON of an EXE file ?

Please pass your comments and tell me your opinion. I am waiting just for your comments…

A Virus Program to Disable USB Ports

Virus to disable USB portsIn this post I will show how to create a simple virus that disables/blocks the USB ports on the computer (PC). As usual I use my favorite C programming language to create this virus. Anyone with a basic knowledge of C language should be able to understand the working of this virus program.

Once this virus is executed it will immediately disable all the USB ports on the computer. As a result the you’ll will not be able to use your pen drive or any other USB peripheral on the computer. The source code for this virus is available for download. You can test this virus on your own computer without any worries since I have also given a program to re-enable all the USB ports.

1. Download the USB_Block.rar file on to your computer.

2. It contains the following 4 files.

  • block_usb.c (source code)
  • unblock_usb.c (source code)

3. You need to compile them before you can run it. A step-by-step procedure to compile C programs is given in my post - How to Compile C Programs.

3. Upon compilation of block_usb.c you get block_usb.exe which is a simple virus that will block (disable) all the USB ports on the computer upon execution (double click).

4. To test this virus, just run the block_usb.exe file and insert a USB pen drive (thumb drive). Now you can see that your pen drive will never get detected. To re-enable the USB ports just run the unblock_usb.exe (you need to compile unblock_usb.c) file. Now insert the pen drive and it should get detected.

5. You can also change the icon of this file to make it look like a legitimate program. For more details on this refer my post – How to Change the ICON of an EXE file (This step is also optional).

I hope you like this post. Please pass your comments.

Chat without Yahoo Messenger or Gtalk

Can we chat without Yahoo messenger? Most of us are familiar with the most widely used applications such as Yahoo messenger and Gtalk to carry out chatting with our friends.But here I’ll show how to chat without Yahoo messenger or Gtalk.As we all know the information we exchange with their servers(Yahoo or Gtalk) are recorded and stored along with the corresponding IP addresses.This may hurt our privacy since all the information we exchange while chatting has to pass through a third party server.

Moreover if the matter is highly confidential, then it is necessary to have a totally private chat where the messages are exchanged only between the people involved in the chat and not with any other third party servers.At these situations, it is better to chat without Yahoo messenger.
So, how to carry out a private chat without Yahoo messenger or Gtalk?
For this purpose there exists many softwares that support’s you to host a web-based chat system without any additional software or services.So with these softwares the exchange of messages takes place directly between the two persons engaging in the chat and will not pass through any other third party server.This ensures 100% privacy and eliminates the desperate need to chat with Yahoo messenger.
One of my favorite program for private chat is Easy Chat Server

Easy Chat Server is a Windows program that allows you to host a web-based chat system without any additional software or services. Unlike other chat server, you do not need to install Java. It allows you to build one or more web-based chat rooms on your machine, and provides advanced chat functionalities aiming to offer discussion space for your users, customers and partners.
Here are some of the screenshots of Easy Chat Server.

Key Features of Easy Chat Server:
  • Easy to use, Simple installation that will have you up and running in minutes.
  • 128-Bit Security Socket Layer(SSL) support. support for server level certificate creation.
  • Instantly runs a complete chat server on your PCs – does not need to install any Web Server.
  • Supports full private messaging and One to One private chat.
  • Support of images, smileys, avatar icons.
  • Full chat and access logs are available within the chat server.
  • Have a built-in IP Filter, supports banning/unbanning IP address, securely.
  • Multiple styles available for the user to customize rooms.
  • Unlimited rooms and users, no any annual, per-user, or maintenance fees.
  • No spyware, adware or other unwanted extra programs.

Hacking Yahoo Messenger

This tutorial will tell you how to hack yahoo messenger while you are engaged in chatting with some person.While you are chatting through yahoo messenger, Yahoo will hide the IP addresses of all the computers that are connected through the yahoo messenger application to the chat room.So it is not possible to directly find out the IP of the person you want to hack.Then how to get the IP address? Yes it is still possible to hack the IP address during the Yahoo messenger chat.The procedure to Hack Yahoo messenger is discussed in detail below.

While you are chatting via yahoo messenger the communication between you and the person you want to hack, takes place indirectly via Yahoo server and not directly.It is not possible to hack Yahoo messenger directly to get the IP address.So to hack his IP, you must establish a direct communication with him.So,how to do this? It’s easy.Just start chatting with some one via Yahoo messenger.During the process of chatting send him a big file.Now the file transfer takes place directly between your computer and the victim’s computer(via yahoo messenger application).So now, you are ready to go. Here’s the step-by-step process to hack Yahoo messenger and get the IP address of the person .

  • Goto the COMMAND PROMPT (START>>>RUN>>>Type CMD).
  • Here Type “netstat -n” (without quotes).

NOTE: If you are new to “netstat” and other IP related commands refer this tutorial:Windows XP IP Utilities

  • The pic given below shows netstat results of my computer.I was not chatting when i took this pic and hence it looks modified.

  • Here local address is your own IP and the foreign address is the IP address of the recipient with whom you are connected via yahoo messenger (There may be multiple recipients and hence multiple foreign addresses).
  • Now send him the file.
  • Check the output by typing the command “netstat -n” (without quotes).
  • Assume the output is something like this.


Here is the IP address of the person with whom you are chatting and 1246 is the port number where connection is established.That’s It! You have now hacked Yahoo messenger to get his IP address.

Once you hack Yahoo messenger and get his IP address you can use any of the Remote Administration tools or perform NETBIOS HACKING.Refer this tutorial on Netbios Hacking.

NOTE: Some times there are chances where in the file transfer gets encrypted (takes place via yahoo server itself).So in this case the above hack may fail to work.

Change the Title of Yahoo Messenger

Here’s how you change the title text that appears at the top of the Messenger window. By default, this is “Yahoo! Messenger”, followed by your status. Simply edit the ymsgr.ini file, which you will find in the same folder as the Messenger program, in your Program Files folder. Locate the file and open it in Notepad. Then, at the end, add the following:

caption=YOUR TEXT

Here, “YOUR TEXT” is whatever you want in the title bar. Save the file and close Messenger. When you restart it you will see your text in the title bar.

How to Recover Deleted Files

Have you accidentally deleted your files from the Hard disk? Do you desperately want to recover them back? Well you need not panic! It is possible to recover the deleted files back from your hard disk (even after you have Shift+Deleted) provided you act as soon as you realize that your files are deleted and use the best deleted files recovery software. In this post you will find a detailed information on how to recover the deleted files from your Windows PC or Mac.

Today there exists hundreds of data recovery tools and softwares on the market which boast to recover 100% of all the deleted files back in the original condition. But in reality most of these softwares are neither effective nor capable of recovering your files back. So it is very much necessary to make the right choice of the file recovery software in order to recover deleted files back in the original condition. We recommend the following softwares to recover the deleted files

1. Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery (for Windows)

2. Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery (for Mac)

Stellar Phoenix is one of the best company specializing in deleted files recovery services and solutions since 1993. Stellar’s Data Recovery Solutions encompasses a wide range of software for almost any data loss situation ranging from accidental formats to virus attacks to software malfunctions. Hence Stellar provides the best tools to recover deleted files with over 1,000,000 satisfied customers across 137 countries.

How the File Deletion Process Works?

When you delete a file from your computer (or even from the recycle bin) the file is not actually deleted. Unlike what most people think, the file is not permanantly deleted or dropped from your hard disk. Let’s take an example of a book containing 50 pages. Suppose when you delete the page 25, assume that only the entry in the index which points to the page 25 is deleted and not actually the page 25 itself. Likewise when you delete a file from your hard disk, only the pointer which points to this file is removed and not actually the file itself. This file still exists intact and is 100% possible to recover it back in the original condition. In this condition the file becomes invisible and hence appears to have deleted.

What are the Chances of Recovering my Files Back?

Since the operating system doesn’t immediately re-use the space from the deleted files, it is most certainly possible to recover the deleted files back in 100% original condition. It may take up a very long time for those files to be completely deleted since the modern hard disks have ample capacity. Hence the chances are too less that the space from the deleted files are re-used immediately. So, it is really worth to try out the file recovery softwares like Stellar Data Recovery for Windows or Stellar Data Recover for Mac. Some files are reported to have recovered even after years of it’s deletion. However for the best results, it is recommended that you use the file recovery software as immediately as possible to recover your files.

Recovering the Deleted Files

In order to recover the deleted files all you need to do is perform a scan (search) for the deleted files using a File Recovery Software. Please be informed that there is no manual way to recover the deleted files. The Phoenix Data Recovery software performs a thorough scanning of the hard disk sector by sector and will locate the existence of deleted files to restore them back in the original condition. It is the only software that supports 185 popular file types including Windows NT Registry, JPEG, MP4, GIF, BMP and MS Word files. The software offers rich graphical support and incorporates advanced scanning methods to completely scan and recover deleted files from your hard drive. With this you can

  • Recover FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, NTFS, and NTFS5 file system partitions
  • Recover deleted emails
  • Recover deleted documents
  • Recover deleted photos
  • Recover deleted music
  • Formatted Hard-Drive recovery
  • Recover files from USB Drives, CDs, DVDs and memory cards
  • Recover almost all the camera format files

Visit the following links for more information on Stellar Data Recovery

1. Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery (for Windows)

2. Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery (for Mac)


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